Somewhere on the corner of the city in Auckland...

I heard a lot of sayings that state "Life is full with Mystery..." Cliche hey....
... but even thought, so far........ living this life.........
more than half way is full with unexpected stuff...
I am always feel blessed that during my roller coaster path i have met lots of amazing and beautiful people in my life. One of them is this young beautiful girl.... AVA...
Just something about her that i feel connected to, during her modelling journey that was absolutely not easy i seen more in her than just beautiful eyes and outlook. She is very talented and smart and also quite funny to talk to.
I finally had the pleasure to met her on my overseas visit last month.
We shared big pizza for dinner and had a giggle and jokes about everything....
The weather was absolutely awful... it was raining the WHOLE day.... and by the time we had finished our chit chat, the rain was still bucketing down... and the lights were completely out....
Ava said "Are you serious? You want me to pose for you Astri?" she smiled... a beautiful smile that makes me now more understand why all the photographers... agencies.... make up artists... everyone are so in love with this girl.....
I told her i am not bloody joking, I would love to have that privilege to capture her beauty....
She then posed, the more i realised she is just so natural...
We only done a 10 minute shoot, no make up, no lights gear... Only her and my Canon.... in the rain... somewhere on the corner of the city in Auckland.
Thankyou Gorgeous, I am so proud of you... and so blessed that you entered my life.
"Happy birthday...."
You are a beautiful girl with lots of to offer, don't let anyone to tell you any different.... I have tremendous faith in you...
Lots of Love-
Astri x